
Showing posts from January, 2009
IS LINUX FOR REAL HUMAN BEINGS ?? Linux is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world. Developed under the GNU General Public License, the source code for Linux is freely available to everyone which is causing a major evolution in the world of computers. It outperforms other operating systems on similar hardware and is available on architectures ranging from a PDA to supercomputers. A modern operating system like Linux is even easier to install and use than Microsoft® Windows™, especially given the reboot nightmares, viruses, worms, driver-update hassles and Service Pack annoyances that come with Microsoft® Windows™. Linux and Open Source technologies have become the standard platform of choice for IT system deployment. Over seventy percent of the Internet is running on Open Source technologies and international vendors such as Sun, Novell and IBM are deploying Linux and Open Source. With proven reli

Team Winds -- More Values Per Smiles

I was not sure that it will happen................ Yaaaaa I got First Prize in caption Contest ................... My Caption "Team Winds -- More Values Per Smiles" GRABBED #1 from 15 Entries It was Like Election .... and the fun was that Both The #1 and #2 was for me actually The thing was came in to my mind for the first time when I was travelling in Bus to my Home.. We never forget the values when comes to business. Some times people forgets some Important aspects ...... that may can say as Values.. Moral , ethical,............... Lots .................................